Is giving away a sandwich a piece of cake?

This morning in the early hours I went to my local garage and asked for a packet of crisps.  The gentlement working behind the counter asked if I wanted a sandwich aswell.  So I thought why not?  Whats the harm in accepting a sandwich from a total stranger?  He even gave me the crisps and my money back!!

Today when I woke up and reflected on this;  I thought why did he do it? Was it because he was simply bored and decided he would give a sandwich away to another total stranger or was it something else?  Did he do it because of some religious belief system?  Did he do it for psychological reasons or was it political.  Maybe the simple solution to this problem would be to ask him why he did it? which means one day I'll have to return to that garage which quite honestly I dont particularly want to do.  Did he do it therefore as an investment?  Was it a form of social contract?  I ask for a packet of crisps and in return I not only get the packet of crisps but a sandwich too and my money back!! Wow I've never known such generosity from a total stranger.  What is the world coming to? Am I being overly cynical about it all  -  after all people are kind right?

Wrong!!!  In the current economic and political climate people are right to be frustrated, annoyed, pissed off, angry, resentful and mad. In my view that sandwich wasn't simple a gift from a total stranger it was more than that it represented all the millions of people in this country that have had to take zero hour contracts on little pay work all hours god sends, have their pensions wittled away, holidays abroad become more expensive have to watch every penny they earn to pay the bills which seem to go up on a quarterly basis if not monthly basis not to mention all the public services destroyed. Peoples lives destroyed to benefit who.  The rich, those at the top of the tree filling their pockets whilsts everyone else struggles to get by.

I appreciated the generosity of a stranger because quite honestly it doesnt happen to me very often and in return for his generosity I have contributed this piece of writing for all the world to read.  So fill your face Teresa May because I am still hungry. 


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