What motivates you?

It was on the first day of training at a company I had just started for, I have to admit it was some time ago now  - I am respectful of privacy so won't mention the companies name but I don't work there anymore - and was extremely saddened to hear the reply from all the other trainees when asked the question "what motivates you?"  I thought I have either ended up with a bunch of sad losers or I'm in the wrong job.  Guess what each persons reply was...... Money!  I blinked and had to look around at the other people in the room. The question came to me and I was asked the same question What motivates you?  I said "Im unable to answer that question for so many things motivate me we would be here all day".  The others looked at me as though I had the IQ of a moron.  I have to say I learnt alot that day and funnnily enough I learnt it with the first three words that came out of the trainers mouth.

What motivates you?


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