Its great to read how the UK govenment is taking action to ensure the security of cyberspace by recruiting young hackers. Not only does it help the disenfranchised youth undertake meaningful roles to ensure everyones security but also to send a message to potential hackers out there that rather than carry out rebellious acts of cyber terrorism, your skills can be better utilised through positive meaningful acts rather than outright distruction and the desire to create chaos.
Emotions run deep and with the net generation these can be taken out on unsuspecting networks. Interesting to think that human feelings do count even more so in cyberspace, where one persons chaotic behaviour can have disastrous consequences for the whole world. That's the real power of the Internet. Whats more interesting to me however, is the reassurance that it is humans that are still in control and that as we create and develop new technologies we are able to adapt and change to incorporate these within our everyday lives.
Its never been such an exciting but dangerous time to be alive and our security and privacy is of the utmost importance if we are going to make the world a better place. The internet is all powerful and all knowing, our new god you might think, but it only takes one person who may be technically brilliant but lacks the experience and wisdom to destroy it. Everyone is important and everyone can have their say in a better connected world, however one thing is for sure agreement will not come easy and emotions will always bring life to our networks.
Read the running notes on Loretta Napoleoni and how terrorism interacts with our everyday lives.