Bradford city and its historic buildings

Sometimes I can walk through Bradford and my head can be in the clouds. Not that I have a massive ego - far from it. I am infact looking upwards at many of Bradfords amazing buildings, many of which are under threat. Did you know there are over 5700 listed buildings in Bradford and many are at risk. According to the Bradford Preservation Trust their are over three hundred buildings which are 'at risk ' simply through neglect and misuse.

A survey of Bradford's listed buildings is being carried out at the moment, So I guess its going to take a while to complete. I hope when its finished the best will be preserved for many generations to come. Leeds has taken the lead in this respect. Have a walk round Leeds city centre and you will notice many old buildings have had a good clean. Bradford needs to do the same. They're pretty dirty if you ask me and when you have visitors round to your house what's the first thing you do. Yes, give it a good clean. Bradford can be proud of its old buildings as it is a glimpse into a bygone era when she had a foot on the world stage.  I'd love to know what City Hall looks like after a good clean. It dates back to 1873 so I guess you could say its pretty old. One of the oldest buildings in Bradford, Bowling Hall dates back to the 14th century I wonder what life was like then, fairly grim I would imagine.

Bradford Cathedral was completed in the eighth century, I love to go and visit occasionally if only to get some peace and quiet. If I was asked what I would do to make Bradford a better place I would say forget the park in the city and give our Architectural heritage a new lease of life. I'm sure it would give some people a job to do too in these difficult economic times