Another addition to my CV

Im always changing and adapting my CV.  Its not that I'm never satisfied with what is in it but the fact that Im eager to find new things to do and new ways to do what I would like to do.  In some ways I'd like to rename my CV or curriculum vitae and called it my 'struggle to freedom' for thats what it seems to have been ever since I was born I suppose.

Well, I wanted to further add in my CV  another activity which I just happen to have found myself doing. Not through choice I may add but because I felt driven to do it in a desire to find myself a voice on the net, away from the noise of facebook and at a place which I think has more of a peaceful feel.  Where is that place you may ask?  My blog ofcourse.

So not only am I writing about things that mean something to me and I hope over time may mean something to you but I'm also adding something to my CV -  not bad eh?  Another positive and good reason for all you non bloggers to get your thinking caps on and start blogging.  You truly can make a difference in the world.


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